Charles Harper Webb is the author of numerous poetry collections, including Reading the Water (1997), Liver (1999), Tulip Farms and Leper Colonies (2001), Hot Popsicles (2005), Amplified Dog (2006), Shadow Ball: New and Selected Poems (2009), and What Things Are Made Of (2013). His poems have appeared in many journals and anthologies, including Best American Poetry, the Pushcart Prize, and Poets of the New Century. Webb has received the Morse Prize, Kate Tufts Discovery Award, Pollak Prize, and Saltman Prize, as well as a Guggenheim fellowship. He is professor of English at California State University, Long Beach, and teaches in the MFA in creative writing program there.

Reading the WaterPoemsFrom"Perspective"
A planeload of insurance salesmen, blown off course,
Discovers a tribe who believe an elephant-
In-the-distance is the same size as a gnat-in-the-eye.
This should cause trouble in a hunt. But tribespeople
Merely flick the pesky trumpeter away,
While the gnat – felled by clouds of arrows – feeds
The tribe for weeks. Faced by a lion, tribesmen run
Until its head is small enough to squish. Muscular
Warriors are found dead, pierced by mosquito-needles
Ear-to-ear. Everything here is as it seems.
The stick-in-water, drawn out, remains crooked
As a boomerang. Mountain and molehill are identical.
Tragedies that crush Americans – love’s waterbed
Popping, parents dropped into the scalding pot of age-
Require only that the sufferer walk away. “It’s not so awful,”
Tribal healers say. “With every step, troubles shrink;
Their howling dwindles to a buzz; their fangs shrivel to the size
Of pollen grains. Reach out. Brush them away. You see?”
Reading the Water :Poems -
Reading the WaterPoemsFrom"The Dead Run"
Vampires and zombies, being liveliest, start first –
shambling, jogging, sprinting as their condition
permits. The freshly-dead in hospitals and funeral
homes totter to their feet (if they have feet)
and, embalmed or not, start running. Corpses claw
up from the ground, in the order they went in:
skeletons and rotted horrors hobbling and clattering,
stooping to pick up parts that fall. The long-dead
rise as human dust clouds, and run with the rest:
dark, stinking wind that crosses water as easily as land.
And now the oldest rise, the ones whose atoms
have mixed with everything. The Watson house,
the Pomeroy’s sweetgum, Dottie Tang’s azaleas
dissolve to let them out. Robert Ufman, Jan Nash,
Tiffany the Schneider Schnauzer disintegrate,
along with the still-solid dead, their molecules
joining the marathon that circles the earth
like a jet stream, until only I am left, remembering
how this always happens – how, in despair,
I pull a rib from my side, and begin again.
Reading the Water :Poems -
Reading the WaterPoemsFrom"According to the Rule"
She judo-chops my Adam’s apple.
I pop her a straight right to the chin.
She clamps my ear in her bloody teeth, and tears.
I thrust my finger in her nose and rip.
She grips my balls and twists them off like knobs of bread.
I ram my fist up her, and gut her like a fish.
She grabs a cleaver, chops my legs off at the knee.
I seize a hacksaw; amputate hers mid-thigh.
She takes a sledgehammer and pounds my brain to jelly.
I take a jackhammer and smash hers into mush.
This goes on until only our eyes and hands remain
unscathed. This is the rule.
We must always be left some means to mutilate each other,
and some way to cry at what we see.
Reading the Water :Poems
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