Daniel Hall

1998 Winner in

Daniel Hall is the author of three books of poetry, Hermit with Landscape (1990), selected for the Yale Series of Younger Poets, Strange Relation (1995), chosen for the National Poetry Series in 1996, and Under Sleep (2007). Hall is the recipient of a Whiting Award in Poetry, an Ingram Merrill Foundation Fellowship, a National Endowment for the Arts Fellowship, and a Guggenheim Foundation Fellowship, among other honors. He has also been an Amy Lowell Traveling Scholar, and is currently Writer-in-Residence at Amherst College, where he also serves on the editorial board of The Common.

Reviews & Praise

“Daniel Hall’s poetry also negotiates autobiography and desire, and much of his new collection, Under Sleep, pairs an impulse to elegy (it is dedicated to his late partner) with a love of perceptual activity, that impressionistic seeing and feeling that comes from the conflicting currents of mind and body and is the backbone of so much lyric poetry.” —Chicago Tribune

“Daniel Hall’s work reminds us that a poet’s sharp-sightedness, the whole business of ‘getting things right,’ is a matter of far more than accuracy. It’s a matter of—inescapably—thanksgiving.” —Brad Leithauser, New York Review of Books [on Strange Relation]

"Daniel Hall is a patient craftsman, a weigher of each word. Smaller and more lucid than their model, his imitations of life place no burden upon us; rather, their deftness lightens our step. Here mind once again outdances the monumental.” —James Merrill, 1989 Yale Series of Younger Poets judge [on Hermit with Landscape]