Darryl Pinckney is a long time contributor to The New York Review of Books, the author of two novels, High Cotton (1992) and Black Deutschland (2016), and two works of nonfiction, Out There: Mavericks of Black Literature (2002), part of the Alain Locke Lecture Series, and Blackballed: The Black Vote and US Democracy (2014). Other periodicals to which he has contributed include FMR, Freibeuter, The Guardian, Harper's, Los Angeles Times, The Nation, The New Republic, The New Yorker, the New York Times Book Review, The Paris Review, Slate, TLS, Vanity Fair, and Vogue. His several theatrical collaborations with director Robert Wilson have appeared internationally and at Brooklyn Academy of Music. Pinckney has been a Hodder Fellow at Princeton and recieved The Harold D. Vursell Award for Distinguished Prose for the American Academy of Arts and Letters and a fellowhip from the John S. Guggenheim Foundation.

Out ThereMavericks of Black LiteratureFrom"J.A. Rogers"
The experience of reading Sex and Race is one of embrace and recoil as Rogers indiscriminately loads us down with the provable and the forever dodgy, the serious and the frivolous. Sometimes his footnotes, not always adequate or acceptable, tell when he was at work on a given aspect of his subject, in the way that an itemized credit card bill is a diary, a record of movement. The references go in clusters: in the 1920s, he was reading about Syria, Palestine, Arabia, and Persia; in the 1930s, he was reading the memoirs of English travelers in Africa. Sometimes, he clearly couldn’t go back to a particular library or text to check his facts again. And sometimes Sex and Race reads as though it had threatened to consume him, because the first-person voice breaks through in the book at times of what could be called narrative stress.
Out There:Mavericks of Black Literature -
Out ThereMavericks of Black LiteratureFrom"Vincent O. Carter"
An unpublished manuscript is a like a message in a bottle, floating, floating, waiting to be found. A forgotten book is much the same, lost in the strong current. Vincent O. Carter is the author of both—the unpublished and the long out of print. Some thirty years ago, in 1970, the John Day Company of New York published The Bern Book: A Record of A Voyage of the Mind by Vincent O. Carter, a strange, disquieting, sometimes gorgeous account of what it was like for him to be the only black man living in Bern, Switzerland, between the years 1953 and 1957. Why Bern? Carter claims the Bernese themselves want to know, and this work is his attempt to answer them.
Out There:Mavericks of Black Literature -
Out ThereMavericks of Black LiteratureFrom"Caryl Phillips"
When Phillips published The European Tribe, Britain did not have a single black member of Parliament. He grew up hearing and not responding to jokes in Leeds about Pakis singing “We Shall Overcome.” It was the Britain of Enoch Powell. Yet it was also the time of Bob Marley and the Wailers and Linton Kwesi Johnson. Phillips describes his efforts to get in touch with that black Britain in the 1970s, how he left the “Nigger go home” scrawled next to his name on the notice board at his college, left the handful of blacks he could find university-wide, a Nigerian mathematics student here, a Rhodes scholar there, and took the train to London, where he would go from pub to pub in Brixton, trying to learn, to pick up something. Sometimes on these vague, sad trips to black London he would miss the last train back to Oxford and spend the night in a lounge at Heathrow. But he was always on time for his 9:30 A.M. class in lyric poetry.
Out There:Mavericks of Black Literature
“This brief but incisive reflection on the history of voting among African-Americans takes the form of a classic personal essay: light and conversational, circling its subject in a deliberately meandering style that ends up revealing more than a frontal attack might have.” —The New Yorker [on Blackballed]
"With High Cotton, Pinckney joins the first ranks of American writers . . . a major achievement." —Henry Louis Gates, The Washington Post Book World
“An extraordinary achievement . . . This tender, often droll portrait of one young life is also an arrestingly mature, original account of the condition of being black through several generations and of America in the sixties—a major part of our history. [High Cotton] is also beautifully written, exhilaratingly intelligent, and a joy to read.” —Susan Sontag
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