Born in Seoul, South Korea, Don Mee Choi is the author of the National Book Award winning collection DMZ Colony (Wave Books, 2020), Hardly War (Wave Books, 2016), The Morning News Is Exciting (Action Books, 2010), and several pamphlets of poems and essays. She is a recipient of fellowships from the Whiting, Lannan, Guggenheim, and MacArthur Foundations, as well as the DAAD Artists-in-Berlin Program. She has translated several collections of Kim Hyesoon’s poetry, including Autobiography of Death (New Directions, 2018), which received the 2019 International Griffin Poetry Prize.

The Morning News is ExcitingPoemsFrom"Notes of a Cowry Girl"
I am a cowry girl, a marine biologist to be exact. The 8-hour move-
ment started in the United States in 1884. Feeling more and more.
Gave birth. Took up the question. 8 hours shall be the norm. Marx:
Slavery disfigured a part of the republic. Labor with a white skin
cannot emancipate itself where labor with a black skin is branded.
The time named. Endorse the same. Half of the same. More pro-
foundly. Therefore be considered a synonym.
The Morning News is Exciting:Poems -
The Morning News is ExcitingPoemsFrom"Twin Flower, Master, Emily"
Dear Emily,
For poetry—I have you. One need not be a House—One need not be a
Nation or a Master for that matter. Delicate and beautiful, common
in rich mossy woods, in pairs, we live. We are crimson-pink, partic-
ularly in the mountains. The rough terrain is not visible to many, but
somewhat green and fatigued, demilitarized! A nod from far away is
hollow. True men—How shall I greet them? Nation building is kind
and generous. It is common to decline it. Emily, Shall I – bloom?
Yours, Twin Flower
The Morning News is Exciting:Poems -
The Morning News is ExcitingPoemsFrom"A Journey from Neocolony to Colony"
Your message to me:
Forgetting is lovely and Father’s well is bottomless. Freud says: the
way in which national tradition and the individual’s childhood mem-
ories are formed might turn out to be entirely analogous.
Indeed, a higher authority can shift the aim of the resistance to
memory. Madness may be a form of resistance. Forgetting is lovely
and Father’s well is bottomless. In order to remember an incident
painful to national feeling, a lower psychic agency must resist the
higher authority. However, it is against the Law. Tea and false mem-
ories. Which is lovelier? Colony or neocolony? The shift in the aim is
minor. Forget something then remember something else. The loveli-
est of all is the unconscious—it is lively. In defense of nation’s par-
amnesia, tea must be served at all times. Migration, my nation!
The Morning News is Exciting:Poems
"Choi translates feminist politics into an experimental poetry that demilitarizes, deconstructs, and decolonizes any master narrative." —Craig Santos Perez [on The Morning News is Exciting]
“The Morning News makes the divide between poetry and prose pointless. Choi is not particularly interested in the art/academic blurring of poetry/prose, but in taking each area to its limits.” —Sande Cohen
“In this book, Choi transits and translates the doubleness of self, kin, home and nation shattered by past colonialism and by continuing imperialism and capitalist predation.” —Minnie Bruce Pratt [on The Morning News is Exciting]
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Our selectors called The Morning News is Exciting, “a wildly surprising work describing the collapse of empire—bracing and invigorating. Its anger glows.”