Emily Hiestand

1990 Winner in

Emily Hiestand is a writer, designer, and photographer. She has written three books: The Very Rich Hours (1993; tales of travels to Greece, Orkney, the Everglades, and Belize); Angela The Upside Down Girl (1998; stories about identity, community and place); and Green the Witch Hazel Wood (1989; poems). Emily's writing has been collected (in books such as Toward the Livable City, Best American Poetry, and The Road North), and appears in magazines (The Atlantic MonthlyThe New Yorker, and The Nation, among them), and in literary journals including The Georgia ReviewSouthwest Review, and Agni. She is the Communications Director for the MIT School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences.

Reviews & Praise

“[Hiestand] looks beneath the surface of the familiar . . . A travel writer, poet and transplanted Southerner, Hiestand meanders, but never without intent . . . [A] spirited memoir whose whole is greater than the sum of its parts.” —The New York Times Book Review [on Angela the Upside-Down Girl]

“Categorizing The Very Rich Hours as a travel book seems at first an underestimation of its scope, but this tour de force of personal narrative is indeed an odyssey of sorts, a rich and rewarding literary journey told with the voice of a poet and the heart of a consummate observer. Hiestand has crafted a complex, yet elegant, naturalist approach to travel. This is a rare book, one that is astonishing fluid and keenly observant.” —The Boston Globe

Green the Witch-Hazel Wood . . . is a dazzling, engaging book, wherein the chief pleasure is watching the play of Hiestand's imagination and curiosity. Constantly, she swings from earth and the quotidian to space and the larger connections of nature . . . She moves easily from the cosmic swirl to ‘the motion of a peach to become a pie.’ [This is] a bountiful group of superb poems. Like Gerard Manley Hopkins . . . Hiestand praises the diversity of the world.” —San Jose Mercury News

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