Frank Stewart is the author of four books of poetry, and editor of eight anthologies, as well as the editor of Manoa Journal. His most recent volume of poetry is By All Means (2003). His edited books concern the contemporary literature and environment of Hawai‘i, Asia, and the Pacific. They include Talk Story: An Anthology of Hawaii’s Local Writers (1978), The Presence of Whales (1995), Wao Akua: The Sacred Source (2003), and The Poem Behind the Poem: Translating Asian Poetry into English (2004). His literary history, A Natural History of Nature Writing, was published in 1995. His essays and poetry have been widely anthologized and have appeared most recently in Ho‘olaule‘a: Celebrating Ten Years of Pacific Writing (2012), Kailua (2009), On Human Migration: Human Migration and the 21st Century Global Society (in Japanese, 2013), Summerhill (Indian Institute of Advanced Study, Delhi), World Policy Journal (MIT), Yomiuri Shimbun (Tokyo), Kyoto Journal (Kyoto), International Journal of Okinawan Studies (Naha, Okinawa), Orion, and others. Stewart is a graduate of the University of Hawai‘i, where he has taught since 1974. He received the Elliott Cades Award and the Hawai‘i Governor’s Award for Literature.

Flying the Red EyePoemsFrom"Flying the Red Eye"
Circling slow and dripping like a fat June bug in the rain,
turbos throbbing in the labored
dark over Chicago, the Electra turned, one wing
pivoted up, like an old dog tilted on three legs,
smelling dank, an old heaviness in him, as though
he were about to tumble over toward those glorious,
snowy lights below. There might have been
freezing sleet as well. In any case, I know
I laughed into a glass half filled with bourbon,
glanced again at the two feathered props
out the window, their cowlings charred and smoky.
But freed all at once from months of killing depression,
elated strangely, almost uplifted.
Flying the Red Eye:Poems -
Flying the Red EyePoemsFrom"Travelers"
In Stockholm that icy day
the rain blew from the north and then
by noon the run broke through; by three
the Swedes were outdoors sunning in thin sleeves,
strolling as though it were Easter,
while you and I, like birds of paradise
lost in Lapland, huddled in doorways, bitten through.
Everyone about us smiled at one another; we fought our way
street by street to our hotel, and buried ourselves
under blankets. And sighed at the lonely
displacement. How little we knew then,
newly married, of the cold that finds
the remotest parts of the body to lodge,
that there’s no defense except by slow degrees
to become acclimatized. And for a cold this deep
it would take years of freezing.
Flying the Red Eye:Poems -
Flying the Red EyePoemsFrom"Stroke"
The last of my father’s brothers, that year
(a year before my father died at fifty-seven)
Jack refused to say goodbye to anyone –
instead he’d laugh and only turn away
as if his departing guests were simply
stepping out a moment into his yard
to listen to nightingales or smell the jacaranda
and sweet magnolia thick as constellations.
The brothers seemed to have a clock inside them,
set at fifty-six or so, Jack said.
And the best of them go out face down in the leaves
at home, and the worst in a drunk tank
in borrowed shows. Lucky, he said, the man
who knows the number of his days. Lucky
twice over if it’s autumn and the red leaves
and yellow rain haven’t given all their kisses away.
Flying the Red Eye:Poems
“There is a quiet and enduring strength in Stewart's voice, which is calm, luminous, and forceful. Pain, separation, loss, humiliation—all are accepted with equanimity until a strange peace emerges, and we feel a dark, beautiful clarity. Stewart is one of the best poets writing anywhere.” —New Letters Review of Books [on By All Means]
“At his best, Stewart is powerfully sensuous, an antenna for the beauty and sadness of life. The language catches and holds between rising and falling, at the height of the point of the parabola.” —Poetry Flash [on By All Means]
“Everywhere is the pervasive presence of the vast surrounding ocean, the assertive intrusion of a heroic and sublime landscape, of the human inhabitancy. But this is not the Hawai'i you will encounter if you stay too closely moored; it is rather the unexploited landscape described so memorably.” —Los Angeles Times [on By All Means]
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