Hayden Carruth

1986 Winner in

Hayden Carruth was born in 1921, and lived for many years in northern Vermont, then moved to upstate New York, where he taught in the Graduate Creative Writing Program at Syracuse University. He published twenty-four books of poetry, a novel, four books of criticism, and two anthologies. He served as the editor of Poetry, poetry editor of Harper's, and for twenty-five years an advisory editor of The Hudson Review. The Bollingen, Guggenheim, and Lannan Foundations, as well as the National Endowment for the Arts, awarded fellowships to Carruth. He passed away in 2008.

Reviews & Praise

"Hayden Carruth's voice is unique in American poetry: disarmingly personal but always informed by an acute historical and political intelligence, linguistically demotic and direct while prosodically complex and diverse." —National Book Award citation

“In his literary career, Hayden Carruth has been as resourceful and steadfast as the Vermont hill farmers he lived among for many years. He is a people’s poet, readily understood, a tribune of our common humanity, welfare, and plight. He is also a poet’s poet, a virtuoso of form from the sonnet to free verse, from medieval metrics to jazz ones.” —The Nation

"Mr. Carruth draws us into the narrative like a good storyteller whose strength is his companionable stance both toward his reader and toward the world of nature . . . Something Hayden Carruth does as well as any living writer is to treat the reader as a friend, and to provide, through his poetry, hours of good company." —The New York Times Book Review [on Collected Longer Poems]

"Rarely do poets earn the unqualified admiration of both their academic and experimental peers, but Carruth—through his artistic versatility and critical ecumenism—has been doing just that for half a century . . . Carruth's personal blend of wit, Weltanschauung, and conscience is indelibly his own, one of the lasting literary signatures of our time." —Library Journal [on Collected Shorter Poems]