Jason Sommer holds degrees from Brandeis, Stanford (where he held the Mirrielees Fellowship in Poetry), and St. Louis University and has taught there, and at University College, Dublin. He has published four poetry collections: Lifting the Stone (1991), Other People's Troubles (1997), The Man Who Sleeps in My Office (2004), and The Laughter of Adam and Eve (2013). He translated, along with Hongling Zhang, three novellas by Wang Xiabobo (widely recognized as one of the most important figures of 20th-century Chinese letters) published by the State University of New York Press. He has also published verse in The New Republic, Ploughshares, TriQuarterly, and other magazines, and in several anthologies, including The New American Poets. His work has been honored with a National Endowment for the Humanities grant. Since 1985 he has served as Professor of English and Poet-in-Residence at Fontbonne University.

Other People's TroublesPoemsFrom"Meyer Tsits and the Children"
In the gone world of Roman Vishniac’s book
of photographs of Jewish Eastern Europe,
which we sit down to look over,
my rather recognizes for certain only
the village idiot of a Munkács neighborhood,
Meyer “Tsits,” whom they use to tease:
“Your mother has breasts,”
the children would say as they passed,
and frothing with rage he would give chase
some years before breasts and Meyer were ash.
Other People's Troubles:Poems -
Other People's TroublesPoemsFrom"Other People’s Troubles"
The Jewish parable goes
that in the waiting room
where all souls come, they leave
a bundle of their troubles
on hooks. At their return,
emerging from interviews,
they eye the parcels hung
in hundreds on the walls
with care, and take their own.
Other People's Troubles:Poems -
Other People's TroublesPoemsFrom"Mengele Shitting"
At the railhead Lilly saw him first, the binary motion of the stick,
among the stumbling shoals raused from the boxcars,
doling general death and fishing for his special interests –
twins, any anomaly: the hunchback father and clubfooted son –
unrhythmic metronome sending people to the left or right
onto different lines – death, life, death, death, death death, death –
or with a jerk of the thumb, a flick of the finger in white kid gloves,
arms in a half embrace of himself, left arm across his wrist propping
the right, which moved only from the wrist as he parted the living stream,
fingertip flick of the finger, jerk of the thumb, or conducting with that baton,
humming opera, tall Lilly thought and handsome, in his monocle
and gloves –
not merely handsome, courtly in the way my aunt described him.
Other People's Troubles:Poems
“The Chinese have a word for it: hsin, heart/mind—and Jason Sommer has it in abundance—a probing intelligence that feels for what it sees, the insight the more acute for its connectedness. Here is a beautifully modulated existential anguish, knowledge from the stunted tree that bears the fruit of exile, an unerring ear for the music of thought, ruefulness, the full monty of candor, an ironic awareness, and most movingly, the avowal of what is beyond irony.” —Eleanor Wilner [on The Laughter of Adam and Eve]
“The beautiful and varied poems in Jason Sommer’s The Laughter of Adam and Eve are set at the intersection of skepticism and faith: a faith his skepticism can neither endorse nor undo, and a skepticism his faith can neither accept nor escape. Plainspoken, ferociously and tenderly energetic, enmeshed in history even while it yearns for the miraculous, this is a fabulous book by a fabulous poet who deserves what he has surely earned: a wide and enthusiastic audience.” —Alan Shapiro, author of Night of the Republic
“The poems breathe [Holocaust] with the same combination of urgency and patience that must have been audible on still nights in the bunks of Buchenwald and Birkenau . . . [An] evocative, funny, sad, and damn near perfect new book.” —Ploughshares [on Other People’s Troubles]
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