Judy Troy grew up on the shore of Lake Michigan. She received her BA in English at the University of Illinois at Chicago and her MA in Creative Writing at Indiana University. Her short stories have been published in The New Yorker, The Kenyon Review, The Missouri Review, Epoch, and The Southern Review, among other journals, and have been anthologized in Fiction 100, Best Short Stories of the South, Best of the South: The Best of the Second Decade, The Pen/O Henry Stories Best of 2009, and Texas Bound Anthology, among others. Her nonfiction has appeared in The New York Times and The St. Petersburg Times, and she is the author of Mourning Doves (1993), a story collection, and three novels: West of Venus (1997), From the Black Hills (1999), and The Quiet Streets of Winslow (2015). She has taught at the University of Missouri-Columbia and at Auburn University, where she was Alumni-Writer-in-Residence. She presently lives in Auburn, Alabama.

Mourning DovesStoriesFrom"In One Place"
Annalee is sorting through a box of seed packets. She has a swollen lip; her boyfriend punched her this morning because she had run out of bacon. She walks over to Wynn’s truck and inspects her lips in the sideview mirror. “It’s really strange to have somebody hit you,” she says. “When I was in high school, a boy hit me once and I remember thinking, If he hits me again I’m going to kill him. Then he hit me again and I didn’t do anything.”
Mourning Doves :Stories -
Mourning DovesStoriesFrom"Prisoners of Love"
Last year, when I was twelve years old, my mother married her pen pal, Bennett Jensen, who was in the Wyoming State Penitentiary for holding up a gas station. She had gotten Bennett’s name from an ad in the newspaper. He and my mother got married in the warden’s office on a Friday morning, while I was in school, and on Saturday afternoon I went with her to the prison, which was almost two hours away, in Rawlins. The three of us ate lunch in the visitors’ room. My mother had brought sandwiches wrapped in heart-shaped napkins.
Mourning Doves :Stories -
Mourning DovesStoriesFrom"Saintly Love"
Late Tuesday afternoon, Holly Parker’s son, Owen, climbed to the top of the Venus water tower. There were three people in the field below—two junior high school boys playing football, and a middle-aged woman jogging—and Owen yelled down that he was going to jump.
Mourning Doves :Stories
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