Mary Swander is the author of several books of poetry and nonfiction. Her award-winning memoir Out of this World: A Journey of Healing, originally published by Viking/Penguin (1995), was reprinted by the University of Iowa Press in 2008. Swander is also known for her memoir The Desert Pilgrim (2003, a Barnes and Noble Discover Great New Writers selection.) She is the author of four books of poetry, The Girls on the Roof (2009), Heaven-and-Earth House (1994), Driving the Body Back (1986), and Succession (1979), as well as a book of literary interviews, Parsnips in the Snow (1990, with Jane Straw). Swander has edited three books: The Healing Circle: Authors on Recovery from Illness (1998, with Patricia Foster), Bloom and Blossom, a collection of garden literature from Ecco Press (1997), and Land of the Fragile Giants, an edited collection of non-fiction and art work on the Loess Hills (1994, with Cornelia Mutel). Swander received her MFA from the University of Iowa Writers' Workshop. She is a professor of English and a Distinguished Professor of Liberal Arts and Sciences at Iowa State University. In 2009, she became Iowa's third Poet Laureate. She lives in an old Amish schoolhouse, raises geese, goats, and a large organic garden, and plays the banjo.

Heaven-And-Earth HousePoemsFrom"Heaven-and-Earth House"
We are the nothing-to-lose ones,
the try-anything-once ones,
weed seeds inside our cells –
dandelion, nettle, lizard tail –
roots sunk in, for it is the tips
that count, reaching out to tap
new moisture. Roots, stems, leaves,
the stomata, those little mouths
opening, closing, sucking in air
in the evening when we boil
wild ginger and sleep in its vapor.
Like cures like, we hear in the morning
when we brush ourselves with
vegetable fiber in the shower,
beat ourselves with our fists.
(This is no crazier than anything else.)
Heaven-And-Earth House:Poems -
Heaven-And-Earth HousePoemsFrom"Jackpot"
I bet on the reptiles, on the scaly-skinned,
the spadefoot toad who burrows backward
and sleeps seven feet down in the sand.
I go with the insects who breed and feed at night,
with the single-celled protozoan protected
from the heat by is own cyst.
I bet on the woman on the couch with
a growth on her cheek, the seven-year-old
in cowboy boots with eczema head to toe.
I roll for the shay hand, spastic muscle, drooling lip.
I roll for the palsied girl that she may walk,
the diapered man that he may no longer drip.
Heaven-And-Earth House:Poems -
Heaven-And-Earth HousePoemsFrom"Peelings"
I lie hour after hour, staring at the lightbulb
in that lamp over the bed, then everything seems rimmed
in peelings – the intercom, the nurse’s caps, the strings
that tie this gown around my neck. I’m encased in
this room and if I could pull away the rind of this illness,
it’s been so long, I wonder what might be left underneath.
My skin. No one can understand the pain of being touched.
Or not. The problem: not even a rash to show the staff
bustling in at 6 a.m. Disappointing, I’m sure, for the interns.
Heaven-And-Earth House:Poems
“A marvelous collection of folk humor, wild ways and down-home storytelling. Driving the Body Back is a sometimes harsh but always deeply compassionate narrative, and so well constructed that the reader occasionally forgets, as one does with Arabian Nights, who is doing the telling and why. And one doesn't care. It is enough to let Miss Swander's characters enthrall and teach with the stories of their lives.” —Louise Erdrich, The New York Times Book Review
“From the hard task of wresting sustenance from the soil to the hard fact of thawing the ground for burial, Swander's concerns affect us all. If you complain that poets write only for themselves and other poets, this may well be the book for you.” —Los Angeles Times Book Review [on Driving the Body Back]
“A beautiful, seemingly effortless weaving of past and present, with masterful, witty, honest, odelike meditations on everything from Catholicism to the masks we all wear to friendship . . . Every topic Swander touches is done with the finely tuned, and completely-in-charge, skills of the poet and essayist.” —The Boston Globe [on Out of This World]
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