Michelle Huneven

2002 Winner in

Michelle Huneven is the author of the novels Off Course (2014), Blame (2009), Jamesland (2003), and Round Rock (1997). She has received a General Electric Foundation Award for Younger Writers. She lives in Altadena, California.

Photo Credit:
Karen Tapia
Reviews & Praise

“Huneven’s touch is sure, and her protagonist is simultaneously sympathetic and maddening. The landscape descriptions are erotic, and the erotic scenes have near-hallucinatory power.” —The New Yorker [on Off Course]

"Huneven, a writer of great empathy and emotional precision, doesn't resort to cheap moralizing here. Such easy lessons would give this gracefully written novel the harsh sting of a cheap, cautionary tale. Instead, she lets her characters play out their scenarios like real adults must—weighing the pleasures of the present against their own future guilt . . . " —Los Angeles Times [on Off Course]

"Michelle Huneven's joyous new novel, Jamesland, is the best thing for the blues since lithium . . . Squeaking, squelching, sloshing, the hearts of Huneven's characters beat a shaky rhythm, beside which a reader's own can't help thumping along. Like Anne Tyler, whom readers found long before the prize-givers ever did—or like the foxglove, which was soothing hearts centuries before apothecaries ever pestled it into tablets—Jamesland is good for what ails you." —The San Francisco Chronicle