Morgan Meis

2013 Winner in

Essayist and critic Morgan Meis writes about art and culture for newspapers and magazines including The New Yorker, Harper’s, n+1, Slate, Virginia Quarterly Review and The Believer.  A co-founder of the arts collective Flux Factory, he is also an editor at 3 Quarks Daily. He holds an MA and a PhD from the New School and a BA from Eugene Lang College, where he has also taught philosophy. He is the recipient of a Creative Capital/Warhol Foundation Arts Writers grant and a Whiting Award in Nonfiction. In Ruins (2012), his book of essays on art, literature, and contemporary life, he explores the idea that we only understand our experiences after we have already lost them. His most recent book, Dead People (2016, co-authored with Stefany Anne Golberg), is a book of eulogies for notable figures.

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Reviews & Praise
From the Selection Committee

“These essays are strikingly reminiscent of the capacious intelligence and range of John Berger. This apparently modest collection of short pieces weaves in enduring themes and returns us to the roots of the enterprise—to Montaigne and the absolute commitment to the authentic personal response without being chained to the autobiographical. They originate from a radical freedom of imagination, the freedom to think about what touches one’s imagination without any agenda other than exploration of thought and the process of understanding.”