Ralph Lombreglia is the author of two collections of short stories, Men Under Water and Make Me Work. His work has appeared in The New Yorker, The Atlantic Monthly, Esquire, The Paris Review, and The American Scholar, among other magazines. He has been the recipient of grants from the Guggenheim Foundation and the National Endowment for the Arts, as well as a Wallace Stegner Fellowship at Stanford University.

Make Me WorkStoriesFrom"A Half Hour with God’s Heroes"
The statue’s resting place looked pretty good. All she really had to do was get him deep enough so the dogs didn’t dig him up before the sale. After her exertions over his tomb, the hollow Saint Joseph seemed to weigh nothing in her hand. He seemed to float in space before her eyes. She set him down on his back in the hole, but found that she couldn’t shovel the dirt on top of him, not right on his face like that. She turned him face-down, but that seemed worse. When she picked him up again, half-frozen dirt had sifted into his open base. You could see it through the translucent, cream-colored skin: Saint Joseph turning brown as he filled up with soil.
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Make Me WorkStoriesFrom"Every Good Boy Deserves Favor"
Jennifer was a performance artist. The blood was a prop in her act. There were many props in Jennifer’s act, but blood was the unifying device. She concealed plastic sacs of the homemade blood in various articles she had with her onstage—a child’s fluffy teddy bear, her pearl-encrusted evening bag, the bodice of her white bridal gown. For an hour she paraded about to her own synthesizer music, acting out dysfunctional family relationships and decrying bankrupt, oppressive governments, while the Barbie-doll world hemorrhaged around her.
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Make Me WorkStoriesFrom"Heavy Lifting"
More than anything, he would like to turn the nighttime sky into 3-D color TV. That would be the most incredible hack of all, he says, and he claims to know how to do it, but it would cost a lot of money, even for a few seconds, and so far the funding has been elusive. He pitched the idea to his old friend Vernon DeCloud—financing celestial television by selling some sky-time for advertising—and though Vern would be perfectly happy to go down in history as the man who turned the stratosphere into a Coke commercial, he said no. Vern didn’t believe Tempesto could do it.
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“ . . . a new writer of uncommon gifts. Lombreglia`s best stories are sublime comic triumphs, sturdy and deceptively simple constructs in which he sets loose an array of magnificently goofy characters . . . Everything about these stories is charged with a funky verve that seems almost improvisational, which complements perfectly his unobtrusive, no-nonsense craftsmanship.” —Douglas Seibold, Chicago Tribune [on Men Under Water]
“This powerful first collection of stories is mostly about young men on the cutting edge of failure. Bright, sensitive and reasonable, Ralph Lombreglia's affecting protagonists hurt profoundly as they are forced, time and again, into making barbarous contracts with a mad and maddening world . . . A vague notion of escape hovers constantly about these narratives . . . Yet in the end it is not escape that provides release, but a kind of inexplicable, stunning illumination that shines suddenly on life and transforms it forever in a welling, irrational joy.” —William Ferguson, The New York Times [on Men Under Water]
"These stories are both funny and profound, highlighted by lights and deep darks . . . From the first sentence, you find yourself relaxing, soon you find yourself loving his world, wanting to meet his friends." —Louis B. Jones, The New York Times Book Review [on Make Me Work]
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