Ciaran Berry was born in Dublin in 1971 and grew up in Carna, County Galway, and Falcarragh, County Donegal. He graduated from NYU, a New York Times Fellow, and now teaches at Trinity College, Hartford, Connecticut, where he lives with his family. His work has appeared in AGNI, The Threepenny Review, Ploughshares, The Missouri Review, and The New Republic. The Sphere of Birds (2008), his first full-length collection, won the Crab Orchard Award, the Michael Murphy Memorial Prize, and the Jerwood Aldeburgh First Collection Prize. A second book, The Dead Zoo, was published by The Gallery Press in Ireland in 2013.
The Sphere of BirdsPoemsFrom"Cold Pastoral"
Things weather fast here, soon bird will be bone,
brittle and white, dead twig snapped underfoot
where the sky alters in seconds, shine to shower,
and harsher truths hit home hour after hour –
the sundew snagging flies, settling to eat,
a fat gull’s fractured keen that cuts through stone.
The Sphere of Birds:Poems -
The Sphere of BirdsPoemsFrom"Over By"
Swell pummels rock, darkens sand, creeps upshore
to stir beach stones and periwinkle shells,
the bone-dry bladderwrack and sea lettuce
out of which swarms of flies rise, disturbed,
to hang their scrim above the waterline,
a low fog of wing, thorax, abdomen.
The Sphere of Birds:Poems -
The Sphere of BirdsPoemsFrom"Cuckoo Spit"
Mulkerrins was older, always on the cod,
swearing to God that bats drank blood from cows,
that dog piss could cure warts. Behind his house,
amongst the sedge and ferns, the sally rods
his mother kept to tan his hide, there stood
a drystone shed where that year’s spuds were stored.
Inside, Kerr’s Pinks fingered their white shoots towards
the light that skulked beneath the door. We would
steal in there when the coast was clear to look
through his Uncle Colm’s stash of dirty books.
Mulkerrins would name the parts, “fanny” and “dick,”
and, once, undid his pants to do a trick
of hand movements and moans that made him split
and bleed something pure white, like cuckoo spit.
The Sphere of Birds:Poems
“Berry is that rare thing, a truly substantial, original, new voice . . . ” — Fiona Sampson, The Irish Times
“Berry’s poems are little monuments to art’s ability to transcend, briefly and thoroughly absurdly, the limited time of our lives. They stand up to death by blurring death’s edges.” —Ailbhe Darcy, Dublin Review of Books
“What an astonishing feel for language, physical fact and ramifying thought these poems show. Nothing seems lost on Ciaran Berry’s quick eye, nor too rich or subtle for his quickening tongue. He generates image after striking image in a language of peculiar immediacy—thoughtful, sensuous, and with a remarkable confidence of rhythmic control. Sliding between the everyday world of simple action and the deeper layers of imaginative attention, the richly packed poems of The Sphere of Birds signal a debut not just of young promise but of mature achievement.” —Eamon Grennan, author of The Quick of It
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