Hansol Jung is a playwright and director from South Korea. Her productions include
Cardboard Piano, Among the Dead, No More Sad Things, Wolf Play, and Wild
Goose Dreams. Her work has been developed at the Royal Court, New York Theatre
Workshop, Berkeley Repertory’s Ground Floor, and more. She is the recipient of
the P73 Playwright Fellowship, Rita Goldberg Playwrights’ Workshop Fellowship
at the Lark, 2050 Fellowship at New York Theatre Workshop, and others. Jung has
translated over thirty English musicals into Korean. She holds a Playwriting MFA from
the Yale School of Drama and is a member of the Ma-Yi Theatre Writers Lab.

Wild Goose DreamsA Play
CHORUS- Search: Husband affair asset division.
- Askkorealaw dot com Q and A
- Q. My dirty husband is sexing with our daughter’s tutor. Will I get rich if I divorce him or should I make him suffer?
- A. Make him suffer.
MINSUNGAlthough, my wife and daughter live in America, I don’t think they’d know if I lit myself on fire,
how will they know that I’m having an affair?
That was a joke.
They call us the goose fathers, I could look that up for you.
CHORUS- Search: Goose father origin
- Wikipedia Korea
CHORUS- The goose father is a Korean man who works in Korea while his wife and children stay in an English-speaking country for the sake of the children’s education. / The term is
MINSUNGThe term is inspired by the fact that geese migrate, just as the goose dad must travel a great distance to see his family.
Wild Goose DreamsPremiered in2017 -
Wild Goose DreamsA PlayNANHEE
I spoke with my father the other day.
FATHERFirst time in four years.MINSUNGI thought your family was still on the other side.
FATHERWe are.NANHEEThey are. We smuggled a phone.
FATHERShe did.MINSUNGA phone? You can do that?
NANHEEI guess so.
FATHERAnd I wept with joy!Through tears I said,I can’t believe you are alive are you married do you have children and are they male!NANHEEBut I, um, lied about having sons.
NANHEEHe was crying, I was feeling, feelings, and I wanted him to know I was okay. So I said I have two sons and a husband and then looked for potential husband and two sons on the internet.
Wild Goose DreamsPremiered in2017 -
A PlayFrom"Wild Goose Dreams"HEEJIN
Message from Heejin Cook WTF OMG dad untag me from that pic WTHIWWY?!?!?
HEEJINDelete! Plz! Idk wot u doin Imma unfriend u if u do shit lyk dis 2 me
HEEJINPicture! Photo! Photograph of me buttnaked with a banana in my face!
MINSUNGYes! You are three years old! I am happy you like it.
MANSmiley face with bulging hearts for eyes
HEEJINI can’t. Sorry dad Im blockin u
MINSUNGHeejin I don’t understand what you are writing. Everything is okay?
CHORUS- Sorry, this page isn’t available
- The link you followed may be broken, or the page may have been removed.
MANCompose new email
MINSUNGDear daughter I don’t know what happened but I can’t find you any more.
Daddy will fix and everything will be okay. I love you. From Dad
CHORUS- Mail Delivery Subsystem MAILER DAEMON: the following address had permanent fatal Errors
Wild Goose DreamsPremiered in2017
“Comedy of the laugh-out-loud variety is the surprising top note in Hansol Jung’s surreal, somberly titled Among the Dead, a smart and stinging new play that delves into painful business indeed…With this outraged, deeply compassionate play, Ms. Jung is kicking, and expanding our understanding.”—The New York Times
“With lighthearted, innocent humor and horrifying dream sequences, Wild Goose Dreams straddles the line of a fun, dating romp and a dark look at the trauma of leaving your loved ones behind––or being left behind…this entertaining and original new play pulls on the importance of family and the need for intimate connection to live a full life.”—FINE Magazine
"Haunting [...] authentic [...] Jung’s characters never offer clear answers to what is to be done when hearts and lives are broken from violence and denunciation, but this promising playwright’s story suggests a power in facing the damage done and picking up the pieces to inform each step forward."—Louisville Courier-Journal [on Cardboard Piano]
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- Samuel French

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- Samuel French

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- Samuel French
The stories playwright Hansol Jung is committed to telling could not be more essential to this moment. She knits together the agonies of Korean history, the restless excitement and anxiety of the tech age, and the shapes of loss and longing. Her play Wild Goose Dreams is the best dramatic depiction yet of the internet – its oceanic cavernousness, the ways it can sink or save us. She proves that the ancient form of the theater can still capture something meaningful about our vibrant contemporary world.