Joan Chase
Joan Chase was born and raised in Ohio. She graduated from the University of Maryland with a degree in philosophy and history and later enrolled in the Writing Workshop of the University of Vermont. After being turned down by several publishers, During the Reign of the Queen of Persia was released by Harper & Row in 1983 and went on to win numerous prizes, including the PEN / Hemingway Foundation Award for first fiction by an American writer. Chase is also the author of the novel The Evening Wolves (1990) and the story collection Bonneville Blue (1991). She passed away in 2018.
During the Reign of the Queen of PersiaA Novel
For as long as we could remember we had been together in the house which established the center of the known world. When we were younger we woke in the mornings while it was still dark. Grandad would be clumping out of his back room and down the hall to the bathroom, phantom-like in his long underwear. He wore it because he was a farmer, which was why he got up before first light to do the chores. In the two iron beds in the attic room there were the four of us—Celia and Jenny, who were sisters, Anne and Katie, sisters too, like our mothers, who were sisters. Sometimes we watched each other, knew differences. But most of the time it was as though the four of us were one and we lived in days that gathered into one stream of time, undifferentiated and communal.
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During the Reign of the Queen of PersiaA Novel
…before long Aunt Grace was pregnant and unable to work at all, she was so sick. When her time was near she went back to the farm so she could deliver her baby where she was truly happy, in the room where Gram slept, with its open view of fields and woods, above the fireplace mantel the picture of the Indian brave. They called Neil in plenty of time to be there. Two years later, when Katie was born, Aunt Grace’s labor was faster and they couldn’t contact him in time. Over the phone when finally they reached him and told him he was the father of a second healthy child, another girl, Neil retorted: “How come you bothered to call?”
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During the Reign of the Queen of PersiaA Novel
“We must never again believe the physicians. Do they have the power of life and death? Do they note the sparrow’s fall?” Christian Science was a science of health, it was the power of God revealed and demonstrated. It would help all of us, as it had helped her; and it was going to cure Aunt Grace completely. Aunt Elinor was absolutely convinced of it. Besides, under the circumstances, “Grace, my dear,” Aunt Elinor asked, "what have you possibly got to lose?”
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“Moving, unusual and accomplished . . . During the Reign of the Queen of Persia is a Norman Rockwell painting gone bad, the underside of the idyllic hometown, main-street, down-on-the-farm dream of Middle America.” —Margaret Atwood, The New York Times
“During the Reign of the Queen of Persia offers an exoticism of the emotions and daily life exhilarated with the richness and evocativeness of poetry. It is also one of the few contemporary novels of women’s lives for which one need make no allowances, grant no compromised sympathy. Joan Chase hasn’t any message of visible politics, simply an artist’s passion for rendering reality accurately, a love of the tactile world, of sensual experience, and a willingness to confront, without resolving, her characters’ grievous ambiguities . . . Splendid and durable.” —The Washington Post Book World
“There are several ways of interpreting Joan Chase’s remarkable first novel: as a romantic saga about life back on the farm; as the struggle of three generations of women against the forces of life and men; as an accomplished grouping of family portraits. But this is one of those books that can’t be characterized solely in terms of plot or thematic content, and one must emphasize the writing itself—not everyone can write this kind of prose. It is made of rhythms, images and metaphors that involve both sense and spirit and allow the reader, through the narrator, to experience a tone of the keenest excitement and awe.” —Chicago Tribune [on During the Reign of the Queen of Persia]
“The publication of her stunning first novel, During the Reign of the Queen of Persia, announced Chase as a brilliantly talented writer. This second book confirms her virtuoso skill with language; nearly every sentence startles with dazzling imagery and poignant insight . . . this is a magnificently involving, imaginative and memorable novel, a portrait of a family painted in vivid, indelible colors.” —Publishers Weekly [on The Evening Wolves]
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