Mia Chung’s plays include: Catch as Catch Can (Playwrights Horizons, 2022; Page 73, 2018); Ball in the Air (NAATCO/Public Theater, 2022); Double Take (Playwrights Horizons Almanac, 2021); This Exquisite Corpse (multiple awards); You for Me for You (Royal Court, National Theatre Company of Korea, Woolly Mammoth Theatre, multiple regionals; published by Bloomsbury Methuen). Awards, commissions, residencies include: Clubbed Thumb, Hedgebrook, Helen Merrill, Huntington, Loewe Award in Music-Theatre, MTC/Sloan, NYTW, Playwrights' Center/Jerome, Playwrights Horizons/Steinberg Charitable Trust Commission, Playwrights Realm, South Coast Rep, SPACE/Ryder Farm. She is an alum of Ma-Yi Writers Lab and New Dramatists.

Catch as Catch CanA PlayFrom"Catch as Catch Can"
I’m worried she’ll be a fish out of water.
When do we meet her? When’re they movin’?
THERESANot now. Soon. We’ll see. They’re waiting to see if Mingjing can transfer jobs.
ROBERTA puts down her cookie.
ROBERTAWhat’s her name?
THERESA sips tea.
THERESAShe’s in architecture, works for a big firm out there
(indicating the under-eye skin) Those dark circles, no wonder.
But she might give it up and teach.
You seen her only once?
Tim never said any—why would I think
Such a rush.
My brain’s exploded.
I knew it: how far gone is she?
Note: A male actor plays the roles of both THERESA and her son TIM. A second male actor plays the roles of both ROBERTA and her son ROBBIE.
Catch as Catch CanPremiered in2018 -
Catch as Catch CanA PlayFrom"Catch as Catch Can"
Tell me something, Rob.
Do you know who you are?
Uh, I mean, like yeah, uh sure… I think, I mean I think I do.
And do you, like—d’you like who you are?
No. Definitely not.
Then you want to change yourself.
Sure, yeah
But then would you know yourself?
I see where you’re—like hopefully not, right?
I mean, the goal’s to, like, to change yourself, to be different.
But then: how will you know it’s the right self?
Getting a little weird for me, Tim.TIM
Yeah, I know, who the fuck knows.
I’ve no idea who I am.
Note: A male actor plays the roles of both THERESA and her son TIM. A second male actor plays the roles of both ROBERTA and her son ROBBIE.
Catch as Catch CanPremiered in2018 -
You For Me For YouA PlayFrom"You For Me For You"
A NEIGHBOR approaches.
Can I help you?
How kind of you. But please don’t trouble yourself.
Forgive me, I couldn’t help but overhear: you’re looking for your son, is that right?
A Tree listens to their conversation. (It is as if
it has grown a set of ears.)
Forgive me, I’ve been too loud. I didn’t realize… I thought I was…
Alone? No, don’t worry, none of us are ever alone.
An additional Tree listens in.
Oh yes…. Yes, of course. Nonetheless, please forgive me for trespassing on the collective peace and quiet. I’m terribly embarrassed to have made a fuss.
No fuss at all. Please forgive me for taking liberties and intruding. I like to be helpful and offer a willing ear—especially to diligent, obedient citizens like yourself. Please, let me help you.
You’re very kind, but please: don’t trouble yourself. You must be very busy. Please don’t let me interrupt you. Forgive the trespass on your time.
I haven’t made you feel comfortable—
Here and there, more Trees tune into the
No, please: it’s my fault. Forgive me. Your exceptional kindness has overwhelmed me.
I’m sorry if you’ve felt pressure, nobody likes to feel pressure, and if now you’re feeling uncomfortable—I sense your discomfort—I want to reach out before a wall builds between us—
The Forest is an audience, listening to
Please don’t worry. Of course, your solicitous attention is genuine and without design. Only the false hearts among us would question such persistent altruism.
You For Me For YouPremiered in2012- Print Books
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"I wish I could give a sense of how perfect Catch as Catch Can is, how deft it is at capturing first our attention . . . and then worming its way into senses deeper down." —Helen Shaw, The New Yorker
"So smoothly virtuosic that it takes a while to realize how good it really is . . . . [R]eflecting on the play, you may marvel at how finely Chung has woven her thematic threads (about family, heredity, nationality, genetics) into the tapestry that unravels with such violence in the play’s second half." —Adam Feldman, Time Out [on Catch as Catch Can]
"You for Me for You . . . is a dizzying, sometimes surreal tale . . . endlessly creative in its approach to contrasting two impossibly different cultures . . . . Chung’s real-world-inspired fable both dazzles and repels, revealing the ugliness buried in both very different cultures. But in one, she suggests, there’s the chance of the most entrancing fairy tale of all: a future." —Sophie Gilbert, Washingtonian
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Mia Chung’s plays are a hall of mirrors that catch and fracture masks of sympathy and trust, and in the doublings that she revels in, the tartly comic shades swiftly toward the wrenching. Her antic, exquisitely controlled experimentation with the dramatic form pries apart ideologies of nationhood and resistance — including those tiny nations we call family.