In 1995, at the age of twenty-three, Michael Meyer joined the Peace Corps and, after rejecting offers to go to seven other countries, was sent to a tiny town in Sichuan, China. Unequipped but eager, Meyer wrote Chinese words up and down his arms so he could hold conversations, and per a Communist dean's orders jumped into explaining to his students the Enlightenment, the stock market, and Beatles lyrics. Thus began his impassioned immersion into Chinese life. Meyer has spent most of the last twenty years living and working in China's urban and rural halves, learning to understand its people, culture and conflicts as very few from the West ever have.
The Road to Sleeping Dragon chronicles the often challenging, ultimately inspiring journey that has made Meyer a leading expert on modern China, offering lessons for anyone coming to know the country for the first time. As he did in The Last Days of Old Beijing and In Manchuria, Meyer puts readers in his novice shoes, introducing them to a fascinating cast of resilient characters and traveling across the length and breadth of his adopted country—from the terrifying bus attack he experienced during his first days in China, to remotest Tibet, to a backstreet courtyard at Beijing's heart, into his future wife's Manchurian family, and to “Sleeping Dragon,” the world's largest panda preserve. The third in Meyer's trilogy, The Road to Sleeping Dragon is essential reading for anyone interested in China's history, in how daily life plays out there today, and in our future connection to the Communist giant.