Something happened to Chloe after that party last Saturday night; the problem is, she can’t remember anything. And everybody at high school is talking about what happened. Was she raped? Did she ask for it? How could those boys do that to her? Or did they? Set in a high school in the American mid-west, in a world of Facebook, Twitter, smart phones and YouTube, Good Kids explores the very public aftermath of a sex crime and its cover-up. Who’s telling the truth? Whose version of the story do you believe; and what does that say about you? Loosely based on the Steubenville High School rape case, Good Kids is provocative, haunting and stunningly current.
Good Kids is the first work of a New Play Initiative established by the Big Ten Theatre Consortium. This collaboration among university theatre departments will commission, produce, and publicize a series of new plays by female playwrights, with a secondary goal of creating strong female roles.
Premiere Creative
Cast: Brendan Alpiner, Daisy Bishop, Emma Boyden, Cayley Costello, Lena Drake, Caleb Foote, Becky Gordon, Blair Prince, Matt Provenza, Phil Rice, Will Ropp, Savannah Rounds, Hojeong Shin, and Tara Stallion
Director: Gillian Eaton