Tommye Blount grew up in Detroit, Michigan. He earned an MFA from Warren Wilson College. He is the author of the poetry collection Fantasia for the Man in Blue (2020) and the chapbook What Are We Not For (2016). Fantasia for the Man in Blue was a 2020 National Book Award Finalist in the Poetry category. Blount has been awarded scholarships and fellowships from the Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference, Cave Canem, and Kresge Arts. He lives in Novi, Michigan.

Fantasia for the Man in BluePoemsFrom"Fable of the Beast"
What a lucky beast I am,
when he cleans up nice
and nicks his perfect face.
I get to lick that face,
when he lets me.
In the cut’s opening
I get a taste of him
from the inside
out, which is all I have
ever wanted,
to be cell-close
to him. Praise the razor’s
overzealous arm;
the ease
with which it finds tenderness
in this man.
Fantasia for the Man in Blue:Poems -
Fantasia for the Man in BluePoemsFrom"The Lady Chablis as Herself"
Tommey, or however you spell your name, I
mean what I say. Like how them white boys think
Whitney or somebody’s going to do The Lady. Nu-uh, I
have to be her in your little poem. Boy, I could almost
smack your face—who do you think you are? Look,
only I have the pipes to speak for The Lady. Good
drag is not just a dress and a wig. You got to put this in
The Lady’s words right. Because she, above anything,
is my livelihood. Chile, I’m a kept woman as long as she lets
me keep this roof I’m under; my pans full of meat. Try
to be her and you will fail. I’ve got years on
you, Sugar Lump. You can’t just go pull something
out of a closet. Only I can make good from all her ugly.
Fantasia for the Man in Blue:Poems -
Fantasia for the Man in BluePoemsFrom"The Hunger of Luther Vandross"
Honey, what would a thinner man know of hunger,
I mean to be forever, for always in hunger.
When my stomach has had enough, when my body goes quiet,
I let my mouth take over. It’s a calling, this hunger
to sing for a love I’m too ashamed to want for myself, so I
practice; the pitch has to be right to sing the hunger
of other lovers, a take on a take, a rendition no one has heard
before, with this voice I wed the lives of others. A hunger
to set the mood—I make them turn the lights off,
turn them on. A gift, this first instrument of hunger;
this tenor. I can feel it in my body, all 300 pounds of me.
You’re never lonely when you’re a man, who knows hunger
like I do, as big as two men holding on so tight that you would think
there is only one. There are two of me, both of us hungry
for the stage. Look at how the spotlight searches for me, it can’t keep up.
They chant my name; want more of me. Who am I to let them starve?Fantasia for the Man in Blue:Poems
“Sung through a range of captivating voices, Tommye Blount . . . unflinchingly explores Eros, from its balm for pain to its proximity to danger. These dynamic improvisations composed of different forms and styles make vivid the institutional violence always threatening and often perpetrated upon the bodies of Black people.” —Judges' citation, National Book Foundation [on Fantasia for the Man in Blue]
“The searing debut from Blount is magnetic and controlled. Through charged words, masterful line breaks, and ekphrasis and persona pieces, these poems blur the line between intimacy and violence.” —Publishers Weekly (starred review) [on Fantasia for the Man in Blue]
“Intimate, honeyed with grace, the poems in What Are We Not For make visible love’s constraints . . . . [S]eeking and yearning is sheltered in lines that are incisive and sensual.” —Eduardo C. Corral, author of Slow Lightning
Tommye Blount’s poetry is where public and private history meet – within the body itself, as he draws out the way yearnings can intertwine and diverge, and how hunger defines all of us. He plunges into characters like a miner with a headlamp. Desire, wit, and a dose of menace temper his precision. Beneath this dazzling arrangement of human notes is the low hum of a certain loneliness.