Subject of Study
Dissertation Title
Theologies of Crisis in British Literature of the Interwar Period
Fellowship Types
327 Willow St. - Apt. 2
New Haven, CT 06511
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Undergraduate College
Undergraduate Major
Faculty Advisers
Amy Hungerford, Pericles Lewis
Dissertation Summary
The Catholic theologian Karl Adam famously wrote that Karl Barth’s 1922 _Epistle to the Romans_ fell like “a bomb on the playground of the theologians.” My dissertation shows the many ways in which interwar British literature registered and reacted to this and other seismic shifts in the field of interwar theology. I argue that a varied group of writers—T. S. Eliot, W. H. Auden, David Jones, and Rebecca West—looked to contemporary theology as a fruitful source for their own thinking about the nature of evil, the desire for transcendence, and the relation between the temporal and the eternal.
Academic Year