The semantics and pragmatics of definiteness in articleless languages
Anastasia Giannakidou
Although a lot of work has been done on the cross-linguistic investigation of definiteness and revealed a variation in its form and meaning, it basically still envisions definite articles as being a necessary vehicle of definiteness. The main goal of my dissertation is to provide an in-depth study of definiteness in articleless languages, proposing that these languages have a manifestation of definiteness; The definiteness relates to a broader set of semantic relations that may hold in some other elements than definite articles.
Korean Language 102 (TA) Korean Language 103 (TA) Korean Language 205 (TA) Korean Langauge 206 (TA)
PUBLICATIONS: CLS 47. Vol 1.-Vol 2, Papers from the 47th Annual Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society. Vol 1: The Main Session, Vol 2: The Parasession: Experimental Methods in Linguistic Research. To appear. Co-edited with Carissa Abrego-Collier, Martina Martinovic, and Chieu Nguyen. Chicago: Chicago Linguistic Society. Semantics and pragmatics of definiteness in Korean: the case of "ku". To appear. Proceedings of the eighth Workshop on Altaic Formal Linguistics (WAFL 8), Cambridge, MA: MITWPL. On the Semantic Role of the Accented Phrase in Korean NP Coordination. 2011. Proceedings of the 28th annual meeting of the West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics, ed. by Mary Byram Washburn et al., pp. 294-302, Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Proceedings Project. CONFERENCE PAPERS: Semantics and pragmatics of definiteness in Korean: the case of "ku". 2012. The 8th Workshop on Altaic Formal Linguistics (WAFL 8), the University of Stuttgart, Germany. Definiteness in Korean: the semantic/pragmatic function of definiteness marker "ku". 2012. The 2012 Northwest Linguistics Conference (NWLC), University of Washington, USA. The grammaticalization of plural marker "tul" in Korean. 2011. 20th International Conference on Historical Linguistics (20th ICHL), Osaka, Japan. Definiteness in the interpretation of Topic marker "−(n)un" in Korean. 2011. 14th Harvard International Symposium on Korean Linguistics (The Harvard ISOKL-2011), Harvard university, USA. On the semantic role of the accentual phrase in Korean NP coordination. 2010. 28th West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics, USC, USA. On pluralizing event: plural marking event pluralizer "tul" in Korean. 2009. Journee Semantique et Modelisation, Universite Paris dederot - Paris 7, Paris, France.
CLS Travel Grant 2009-2012; Travel Grant from Division of the Humanities, University of Chicago 2009, 2011
Conference Organizer/CLS officer 2010 - 2011: The 47th Annual Meeting of Chicago Linguistic Society, Department of Linguistics, University of Chicago Certificate for Korean Language Instructor, Korea University, Korea