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Subject of Study
Dissertation Title

Cross and Book: Late-Carolingian Breton Gospel Illumination and the Instrumental Cross

Fellowship Types

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Undergraduate College
Faculty Advisers

Jeffrey Hamburger

Dissertation Summary

My dissertation examines the crucifixion images found in four gospel manuscripts made in ninth–tenth century Brittany. The study derives from the recognition of a pattern in pictorial representations of the cross, in which the cross is characterized within an image as a physical, material thing. I describe this pattern as an intersection of media and an intersection of pictorial and liturgical space. I investigate the materialized cross as it functions within images, and the nature of those images as they function within their codices. I argue that a visual language developed in the early Middle Ages to articulate the instrumental role of material artwork. The instrumental cross is a gateway to understanding the presentation of other manufactured objects (such as books) in this vein. I characterize early medieval manuscripts as both liturgical/devotional spaces and active ritual objects. Examining the relationship between crosses and books illuminates the early medieval conception of manuscripts' function along with their visual arguments. I present complex manuscripts that have long lain below the art historical radar, discussing little-known material together with prominent examples in order to broaden our perspective on the early medieval field.

Courses Taught or Assisted

Italian Renaissance Art; Landmarks of World Art and Architecture

Published or Conference Papers

"Christus quasi pendentus videtur: Conceptions of Early Medieval Monumental Crucifixes" in Striking Images: Christ on the Cross and the Emergence of Medieval Monumental Sculpture, ed. Gerhard Lutz, Marietta Cambareri and Shirin Fozi (Brepols / Harvey Miller, 2012). "From Hrabanus Maurus to Regensburg: Romanesque Praise for the Holy Cross." Conference proceedings: Romanesque and the Past, British Archaeological Association, April 9-11, 2010, ed. John McNeill and Richard Plant (Maneys, 2012). "The Liturgical Cross and the Space of the Passion: The Opening Diptych of Angers MS 24." Envisioning Christ on the Cross in the Early Medieval West, ed. Juliet Mullins et al. (Brepols, 2012).

Other Honors or Grants

Paul Mellon Fellowship 2008-2011, Center for Advanced Study in the Visual Arts, National Gallery of Art; Fellowships, Deutsche Akademische Austauschdienst, Metropolitan Museum of Art, British Library Department of Manuscripts.

Extracurricular Training

Internships at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, British Library, Museum Schnütgen, Bayerisches Nationalmuseum, Barnes Foundation

Academic Year