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Benjamin C.
Subject of Study
Dissertation Title

French Symbolist rationales for rupture with the greater public

Fellowship Types
E-mail Address
Undergraduate College
Undergraduate Major
Faculty Advisers

Göran Blix

Dissertation Summary

My dissertation seeks to answer the question: what harm did French symbolists of the 1880s and 1890s perceive the greater public as doing to literature? During the Third Republic, the symbolists had the reputation of a profoundly anti-democratic avant-garde. My project consists of a thorough study of the specific terms and figures with which these young writers conceived of the poet-public rupture. Rather than categorizing the poets themselves, it analyzes trends in what they wrote in letters and, primarily, in the many “petites revues” of the period.

Courses Taught or Assisted

FRE 101, 102, 107, 207

Published or Conference Papers

“Blood and rhythmic analogies in Valéry’s Charmes”. French Forum. Volume 34, N°1, Winter 2009. pp. 19-32.

Other Honors or Grants

Chateaubriand Fellowship, 2009-2010

Academic Year