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Subject of Study
Dissertation Title

The Autobiographical Community: Local Historiography in Classical and Hellenistic Greece

Fellowship Types

76 First Place, APT. 1 Brooklyn, NY 11231

E-mail Address
Undergraduate College
Undergraduate Major
Faculty Advisers

Nino Luraghi, Michael Flower, Anthony Grafton

Dissertation Summary

My dissertation explores the relationship between local history and community identity in Classical and Hellenistic Greece. In Part One, a series of case studies focusing on the local historiography of diverse Greek localities (Argos, Arkadia, Boiotia, Pontic Herakleia, Samos, Sparta, and Thessaly), I try to understand how different orders of community (e.g. sanctuary, polis, island, and continental region) responded differently to the autobiographical impulse. In Part Two, which addresses the local historians themselves, I distinguish native from non-native writers and posit a primary role for ethnography in the origin and development of local historiography in Greece.

Courses Taught or Assisted

The Greek World in the Hellenistic Age. Latin 204—Readings in Latin Literature: Livy and the Historiography of the Roman Empire.

Published or Conference Papers

“POLITEIAI AND SPARTAN LOCAL HISTORY,” Historia: Zeitschrift für Alte Geschichte 59.4 (2010): 412-431. REVIEW OF K. CLARKE, MAKING TIME FOR THE PAST: LOCAL HISTORY AND THE POLIS (OXFORD 2008) Storia della Storiografia 58 (2010): 147-154.

Other Honors or Grants

Travel Grants.

Academic Year