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Subject of Study
Dissertation Title

Friars Minor in Dante’s World: Aesthetics of the Apocalypse

Fellowship Types
Undergraduate College
Dissertation Summary

The goal of my study is to gain a better understanding of the influence that Franciscans had on Dante’s writing, with a particular attention to the _Divine Comedy_. I will focus on the work of Pietro di Giovanni Olivi and Ubertino da Casale, leaders of the so-called Spiritual Franciscans. The secondary literature on this subject fails to acknowledge the importance of Ubertino for Dante’s work, attributing too much weight to Olivi. I believe that our assessment of Franciscan influence on Dante’s work should be corrected in his favor. Without denying the importance of personalities such as Bonaventure and Olivi, I suggest that a rereading of Ubertino could better explain Dante's attitude towards the ideology of the Spirtuals, and shed new light on the making of the _Commedia_.

Published or Conference Papers

“Il contrapasso come chiasma. Appunti su Inferno XXVIII,” in L’Alighieri, n. 36, 2010, pp. 5-20. 
 “The Contrapassum: From Economic Theories to Dante’s Textual Strategies,” Dante’s Volume from Alpha to Omega: A Graduate Symposium on the Poet’s Universe, Yale University, 26-28 March, 2010. 
“Et miror si iam non est: L’Arbor vitae di Ubertino da Casale nella Commedia,” in Dante Studies, n. 126, 2008, pp. 57-88. 
“Serafino Gubbio’s Sick Eye: the Metaphor of the Telescope in Pirandello,” MLA conference, San Francisco, 26-28 December 2008. 
“Una lettura di genere dell’Ecatonfilea albertiana,” Renaissance Society of America Annual Conference, Miami, 21-24 March, 2007. 
 “Traiettorie di vita attraverso la scrittura. Due epistolari di contadini reggiani dispersi sul fronte russo (I parte),” in Ricerche Storiche, n. 99, Aprile 2005, pp. 9-82. 
“Traiettorie di vita attraverso la scrittura. Due epistolari di contadini reggiani dispersi sul fronte russo (II parte),” in Ricerche Storiche, n. 100, Ottobre 2005, pp. 67-126.

Other Honors or Grants

Dante Society of America, Charles Hall Grandgent Award, 2007 – HONORABLE MENTION

Academic Year