Airs of Modernity 1881-1914
School of Architecture
Architecture Building, Room S-110
Princeton, NJ 08544-5264
Edward Eigen, M. Christine Boyer, Jean-Louis Cohen
This study hypothesizes that developments in French aeronautical culture during the late 19th century became the setting for a new conceptualization of air. The shift from aerostatic to aerodynamic flight—from lighter-than-air flight via balloons to heavier-than-air flight with airplanes—resulted in a profound rethinking of air as a material and dynamic substance. This rethinking of air during this period signalled a different understanding of the modernization process; architecture became the very medium that made this understanding possible.
Senior Thesis Writing Group Instructor, School of Architecture, Princeton University (Preceptor for Edward A. Eigen), 2008-2009.
ARC 304, Cities of the 21st Century, School of Architecture, Princeton University (Preceptor for M. Christine Boyer), Spring 2009.
ARCH 3220b, Contemporary Architecture Discourse Colloquium, Yale School of Architecture (Organizer and Instructor), Spring 2007.
HSAR 221b, Architecture Since 1945, Department of the History of Art, Yale University (Assistant Instructor for Sean B. Keller), Spring 2006.
“The Eiffel Tower and the Architecture of Modern Aerospace Law.” Paper presented at 64th Annual Meeting of the Society of Architectural Historians, New Orleans, Louisiana, April 13-17, 2011.
“’No Distant Places’: Cartography, Aviation, and Globalism in MoMA’s Airways to Peace.” Paper presented at the 63rd Annual Meeting of the Society of Architecture Historians, Chicago, Illinois, April 21-25, 2010.
“The Shape of the World to Come: Aviation, Cartography and Globalism in MoMA’s Airways to Peace.” Paper presented at Front to Rear: Architecture and Planning During World War II, Institute of Fine Arts, New York University, New York, New York, 6-7 March 2009.
“Bloody Old Britain: O. G. S. Crawford and the Archaeology of Modern Life.” Review of Bloody Old Britain: O. G. S. Crawford and the Archaeology of Modern Life, by Kitty Hauser. Future Anterior 6.1 (2009): 98-103.
“Erich Mendelsohn at War.” Perspecta 41: Grand Tour (2008): 83-91.
“Fata Morgana.” Thresholds 33: Form(alisms) (2008): 54-60.
“Object-Problem and Wreckage: Theorizing the Legal Status of Aircraft in Letelier v. The Republic of Chile.” Paper presented at research-in-progress, Department of Architecture, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, April 4-5, 2008.
“Testing the 20th Century: A Panoramic Tour of Success and Wreckage at the Royal Aircraft Establishment, 1908-1954.” Paper presented at Mobile Anxieties, a symposium at Yale School of Architecture, April 11-12, 2008.
“Dugway: An Empire of Simulation.” Paper presented at 29th Annual Student Conference for the Society of Architectural Historians, New England Chapter, Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Cambridge, MA, February 2007).
“Operation Magic Fire.” Paper presented at 1st Annual Art and Architectural History Graduate Symposium, University of Virginia, September 21-22, 2006.
Subvention de Recherche Groupe Financier Banque TD dans la collection du Centre Canadien d'Architecture (CCA), 2011; Howard Crosby Butler Fellowship in Architecture, School of Architecture, Princeton University, 2009, 2010; Sherley W. Morgan, Class of 1913 Fellowship in the School of Architecture, administered by The Graduate School, Princeton University, 2007-2008.