Hebrew Philosophical Commentaries on Maimonides' Guide of the Perplexed (1190)
9 Jenckes Street, #3
James T. Robinson
An examination of the medieval exegetical tradition that developed around the book _The Guide of the Perplexed_. I approach the commentaries written in the 13th and 14th centuries, written in the South of France and Italy, from the perspective of genre, investigating the ways in which the use of the genre of commentary affects the transmission of philosophical notions.
“Jewish Thought and Literature II: Medieval Jewish Thought: Philosophy, Theology, Sufism, Kabbalah.” Co-taught with James T. Robinson. The University of Chicago, Winter Quarter 2008.
“Jewish Thought and Literature II: From Mishnah to Maimonides.” Instructor: Josef J. Stern. The University of Chicago, Winter Quarter 2007.
“The first purpose of this Treatise”: Commentaries on the ‘equivocal terms’ of Maimonides’ Guide of the Perplexed.”
Forthcoming presentation at the 43rd Annual Conference of the Association for Jewish Studies, December 2011.
Memorial Foundation for Jewish Culture doctoral grant, 2011-2012; Visiting Research Fellow, Brown University, July 2011-June 2012
Hebrew language study, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, July-August 2006; Hebrew language study, University of Haifa, August 2005