Submitted by WhitingAdmin on
Jon Erling
Subject of Study
Dissertation Title

Topics in Philosophical Logic

Fellowship Types

8306 Seminary Ridge
Austin, TX 78745

E-mail Address
Undergraduate College
Undergraduate Major
Faculty Advisers

Warren Goldfarb, Peter Koellner, Ned Hall

Dissertation Summary

My dissertation is composed of three papers: In "Proof-Theoretic Justification of Logic" I develop a theory for justifying introduction rules on the basis of elimination rules and show that intuitionistic logic is the strongest logic which can be justified in this way. In "The Barcan Formulae for Determinacy" I argue that there is a logical problem with denying the Barcan Formula for a determinacy operator and I develop a novel intuitionistic quantified modal logic to get around this problem. In "Is the Vagueness Argument Valid?" I argue that Sider’s "Vagueness Argument" isn’t valid and that this has important consequences for the notions of supervenience and metaphysical dependence.

Courses Taught or Assisted

The Possibility of Altruism (Tutorial),
Introduction to Early Modern Philosophy
Marx and Marxism
Introduction to Metamathematics
Space-Time Theory

Published or Conference Papers

"The Barcan Formula(e) for Determinacy": presented at American Philosophical Association (Pacific) and the Graduate Conference in the Philosophy of Logic and Mathematics
Cambridge University
“An Actualist Theory of Properties”, presented at UT, Austin Graduate Conference

Other Honors or Grants

Graduate Society Merit Fellowship (Harvard), Graduate Society Summer Fellowship (Harvard), Fulbright Scholarship (US-Norway)

Academic Year