On the Surface of a Thessalian City: The Urban Survey of Kastro Kallithea, Greece
1537 S. 9th St. Philadelphia, PA 19147
Dr. Astrid Lindenlauf and Dr. James Wright
This dissertation examines the establishment, occupation and abandonment of Kastro Kallithea, a Hellenistic city in Achaia Phthiotis, Thessaly, through data collected from the intensive urban survey. By identifying the use of space in terms of domestic, civic, economic, and military functions, the layout and spatial configuration of the city are explored. This study also examines the incentives of urban living in the Hellenistic period and assess to what extent Kastro Kallithea fits in with the historical circumstances with respect to urban planning, shifts in settlement patterns and fluctuations in urbanization visible in Thessaly and the rest of Greece.
Lecturer - Greek Art and Archaeology, Roman Art and Archaeology Teaching Assistant - Practical Methods Archaeology: Kastro Kallithea Field Project in Greece, Modern Architecture, Form of the City, Classical Mythology, Ancient Civilization
Conference Papers “Spatial Organization of the Hellenistic City of Kastro Kallithea, Thessaly”, AIA 112th Annual Meeting, San Antonio, Texas: January 2011 “Life in a Hellenistic Thessalian City: Urban Organization at Kastro Kallithea”, Canadian Institute in Greece: March 2010 “The Journey of the Bard in his Quest for Knowledge”, Graduate Group Student Symposium, Bryn Mawr College, USA: October 2007 “Physical and Social Formalisation of Commensality in Public Spaces of the Greek World”, Graduate Seminar Symposium, Bryn Mawr College, USA: April 2007 “The Myth of Weaving”, History and Classics Department Graduate Student Conference University of Alberta, Canada: March 2004 “The Weights of Athena: Loomweights from the Athena Sanctuary at Stymphalos”, Canadian Academic Institute at Athens Student Conference, University of Toronto, Canada: September 2001
McPherson Award for Excellence, Bryn Mawr College, Solow Dissertation Research Fellowship, 2009-2010 from the Solow Art and Architecture Foundation and American School of Classical Studies at Athens
Field Director of Kastro Kallithea Project, Thessaly Greece