The Trinitarian Language of the Soul: Dante's Theological Virtues and the Ethical Self
100 Howe Street - Apt 404 New Haven, CT 06511
Prof. Giuseppe Mazzotta
In this dissertation I seek to explore the dynamic relationship established among the three theological virtues—namely faith, hope, and charity—in Dante’s Paradiso. The idea that underlines this relationship is the unifying nature of the virtues in the realms of theology, ethics, and poetry. One of the main goals of my dissertation is to integrate modern and contemporary approaches on philosophy and theology into the general argument, in order to show how Dante’s understanding of the theological virtues illuminates our contemporary thought.
Teaching Fellow Program Participant - Part-Time Acting Instructor: Intermediate Italian I – Fall 2010 - Yale University Teaching Assistant of Prof. Giuseppe Mazzotta – Summer Course: The Florentine Renaissance – Siena – June/July 2010 - Yale University Teaching Fellow Program Participant - Part-Time Acting Instructor: Elementary Italian II – Spring 2010 - Yale University Teaching Fellow Program Participant - Part-Time Acting Instructor: Elementary Italian I – Fall 2009 - Yale University Teaching Fellow Program Participant: Theater Practicum: Pirandello - Spring 2009 - Yale University Tutor of American Students (Indiana, Purdue and Wisconsin Universities): Spanish and Biblical Exegesis - Complutense University of Madrid, AY 2004-2005 Art Teacher in Santa Fe, Argentina, 1996-2000
Publications: Article: “Borges y las tres interpretaciones del canto de Ulises en el Infierno de Dante” [“Borges and the three interpretations of Ulises canto in Dante’s Inferno”]in MLN (Modern Languages Notes – Johns Hopkins University Press)- forthcoming March 2012. Article: "The Rain of Hope: Theology and Exile in Paradiso 25", in Proceedings of the Conference Dante's Volume from Alfa to Omega - Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies - forthcoming 2012. Article: "The Ethics of Suicide in Giacomo Leopardi", in 'Voglio morire!' Suicide in Italian Literature, Culture, and Society 1789-1919 - Cambridge Scholars - forthcoming 2012. Book Review: Rossini, Antonio. Il Dante sapienziale. Dionigi e la bellezza di Beatrice. Quaderni della “Rivista di cultura classica e medioevale”, 10 (Pisa-Roma: Fabrizio Serra Editore, 2009) in Quaderni d’italianistica, Vol 31 (2) – Journal of the Canadian Society for Italian Studies - 2010. Article: “Flesh and Spirit: Vices and Virtues of Food in Domenico Cavalca’s Pungilingua and Frutti della Lingua”, in Table Talk: Perspectives on Food in Medieval Italian Literature – Cambridge Scholars - 2010, pp. 37-51. Article: “Conceptos médicos en Purgatorio XXV, vv. 37-78. Las virtudes y el desarrollo vital del feto” (“Medical Concepts in Purgatorio XXV, vv. 37-78. The Virtues and the Fetus’s Vital Development”), in Cuadernos de Filologia Italiana (Journal of Italian Philology - Complutense University), vol. 14, Madrid, 2007, pp. 69-85. Article: “La relación Amistà-Beatitudine-Amore-Mente en el tratado tercero del Convivio” ("The Relation Amistà-Beatitudine-Amore-Mente in the Third Treatise of Convivio"), in Tenzone (Journal of Dante Studies-Complutense University), N° 8, Madrid, 2007, pp. 65-90. Article: “El accidïoso fummo y la belletta negra en Inferno VII, vv. 100-124. Posible influencia de la teoría de los humores” (“The accidïoso fummo and the belletta negra in Inferno VII, vv. 100-124. Possible Influence of the Theory of Humors”), in Tenzone (Journal of Dante Studies– Complutense University), Nº 7, Madrid, 2006, pp. 51-69. Conferences and Talks: Renaissance Society of America - Forthcoming Meeting March 2012 "Divine Friendship: The Theological Virtues in Marsilio Ficino" Medieval Lunch Series - Yale University - February 22, 2011 "Flesh and Spirit: Vices of Food and Language in Domenico Cavalca's Pungilingua" Renaissance Lunch Series - Yale University - October 25, 2010 "Machiavelli and the Jesuits: Casuistry, (Dis)simulation and Reason of State" Graduate Conference: Dante’s Volume – Yale University – April 2010 "The Rain of Hope: Theology and Exile in Paradiso 25" Dante Working Group – Yale University - January 27, 2010 "Between Past and Future: Dante’s Virtue of Hope in Context"
Charles Hall Grandgent Award of the Dante Society of America for the Best Submission by a Graduate Student with an Essay on Dante and the Virtue of Hope – 2009
Different Workshops in Pedagogy; Languages: Spanish (native), Italian (near native), English (fluent), Latin (reading), French (reading), Dutch (reading)