Enter a world where time stands still and summer never ends. In the enchanted town of Tannery Bay, it’s July 37, and then July 2 again, but the year is a mystery. Trapped in an eternal loop, the residents embark on an extraordinary journey of self-discovery, unity, and defiance against the forces that seek to divide them.
Steven Dunn Selected Works
Steven Dunn provides a bold exploration of parenthood in the face of one’s own demons and the consequences of a toxic relationship where ultimately parents must figure out what’s best for a child regardless of time and distance.
Navy veteran Steven Dunn’s second novel plunges into military culture and engages with perceptions of heroism and terrorism. In this shifting landscape, deployments are feared, absurd bureaucracy is normalized, and service members are consecrated. water & power is a collage of voices, documents, and critical explorations that disrupt the usual frequency channels of military narratives.
Set in a decaying town in southern West Virginia, Potted Meat follows a young boy into adolescence as he struggles with abusive parents, poverty, alcohol addiction, and racial tensions. Using fragments as a narrative mode to highlight the terror of ellipses, Dunn explores the fear, power, and vulnerability of storytelling, and in doing so, investigates the peculiar tensions of the body: how we seek to escape or remain embodied during repeated trauma.