Steven Dunn, aka Pot Hole (cuz he’s deep in these streets), is the author of two novels from Tarpaulin Sky Press: Potted Meat (2016) and water & power (2018). Potted Meat was a finalist for the Colorado Book Award, shortlisted for Granta Magazine’s Best of Young American Novelists, and adapted into a short film, The Usual Route, by Foothills Productions. The Usual Route has played at the LA International Film Festival, Houston International Film Festival, and others. He was born and raised in West Virginia and teaches in the MFA programs at Regis University and Cornell College.

Potted MeatA Novel
I peek from the slit
between my forearms.
Them. They come.
Eyes in all the heads glow.
The flow
melts my arm flesh
Burgundy vessels drip
from bone.
The graveyard this time of year is nice. Damp orange yellow red leaves pile at the headstones for pillows. Place my head in leaves. Soil moist and black like chocolate cake and taste like worms. Arms spread legs spread wind crawls up my pants leg to pocket soft backs of knees. Slightly arched back anchors shoulders to my throat, jaw, head. Eyes fixed to the blue grey. Meanwhile. An old deer limps over, sits like a dog, licks my shoes.Potted Meat:A Novel- Print Books
- Tarpaulin Sky Press
Potted MeatA Novel
Grandad is shuffling his cards at the kitchen table. Counting money. Shuffling more. Come here for a sec, he says to me. Lemme tell you a story. I sit next to him. What do you want, he says. You said you wanted to tell me a story, I say. Nope, he says, I said I wanted to tell You a story. Is your name You. No, I say. He busts out laughing. I been lookin for that muthafucka all my goddamn life, he says, if you ever find You, let me know.Potted Meat:A Novel- Print Books
- Tarpaulin Sky Press
Potted MeatA Novel
I am digging through my uncle’s closet to find clothes. I like his seventies clothes, he doesn’t wear them. I find a dark brown leather jacket, reversible, light brown suede on the other side. In the back of the closet underneath folded bell-bottoms are two milk crates filled with records. I pull one out. On it is only a man’s head with an afro, 1971, Pieces of a Man. What is a piece of a man. I put it on the record player and the deep voice starts a poem about a revolution that will not be televised. I’ve heard my uncles say this a lot. I let it play while I dig for more clothes.Potted Meat:A Novel- Print Books
- Tarpaulin Sky Press
“Steven Dunn's Potted Meat is full of wonder and silence and beauty and strangeness and ugliness and sadness and truth and hope. I am so happy it is in the world. This book needs to be read." —Laird Hunt, author of Neverhome
“Potted Meat is a story about survival, a story about seeing, about harvesting what you need to survive from even the most venomous landscape, and anyone who has ever needed to survive will recognize its power immediately.” —Julia Bouwsma, Connotations Press
"Dunn unrelentingly captures the difficult, funny, abject, exhilarating, heartbreaking and maddening aspects of Navy life, both on and off duty. Read this book and understand the veterans in your life better, understand the aggressive disconnection the armed forces demands, and retain a much clearer picture of the people who wear the uniform in America's name—as who we are, complex and bold and conflicted and powerful and terrified and tough and human." —Khadijah Queen, author of I’m So Fine [on water & power]
Selected Works

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- Business Bear Press

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- Tarpaulin Sky Press

- Print Books
- Tarpaulin Sky Press
Steven Dunn’s fiction has no varnish, only the reporting of life in its dizzying plenitude. His narratives about life in the military draw on his experience as a veteran to explore powerlessness, the discomforts of the body, the need to hide one’s sexuality, the desire to assert control – but it finds its strength in softness. Formally inventive, his work is a finely judged orchestration of different perspectives, mixing fiction with journalism, poetry, visual art; on every page you feel the inquisitive and exuberant persona of the author. This intimacy makes possible a piercing investigation of the concepts of service and country.