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Name Sort descending Genre Year
Sylvia Moss Poetry 1988
Brighde Mullins Drama 2001
Nami Mun Fiction 2009
Manuel Muñoz Fiction 2008
Yannick Murphy Fiction 1990
Yxta Maya Murray Fiction 1999
Lawrence Naumoff Fiction 1990
Nana Nkweti Fiction 2022
Howard Norman Fiction 1985
Bruce Norris Drama 2006
Josip Novakovich Fiction, Nonfiction 1997
Sigrid Nunez Fiction 1993
Dennis Nurkse Poetry 1990
Antoinette Nwandu Drama 2018
Geoffrey O'Brien Nonfiction 1988
Patrick O'Keeffe Fiction 2006
Chris Offutt Fiction, Nonfiction 1996
Dael Orlandersmith Drama 2008
Daniel Orozco Fiction 2011
Ladan Osman Poetry 2021
Nadia Owusu Nonfiction 2019
ZZ Packer Fiction 1999
Ann Pancake Fiction 2003
Suzan-Lori Parks Drama 1992
Elena Passarello Nonfiction 2015
Lydia Peelle Fiction 2010
Janet Peery Fiction 1993
Kathleen Peirce Poetry 1993
Benjamin Percy Fiction 2008
Andrew X. Pham Nonfiction 2000
Xan Forest Phillips Poetry 2021
Rowan Ricardo Phillips Poetry 2013
Tommy Pico Poetry 2018
Claudia Roth Pierpont Nonfiction 1994
Darryl Pinckney Fiction, Nonfiction 1986

Selected winners

Lucy Sante
Low Life
Lures and Snares of Old New York

Rat-baiting was the premier betting sport of the nineteenth century. Its prestige can be gauged in economic terms, circa 1875: admission to a then illegal prizefight between humans cost fifty cents, to dogfights and cockfights $2, while a fight pitting a dog against rats ran anywhere from $1.50 if the dog faced five rats or fewer, up to $5, in proportion to the number of rats. In the eighteenth century the biggest draw had been bearbaiting, but that sport gradually dissipated as the number of available bears decreased, although matches continued to be held up to the Civil War, notably in McLaughlin’s bear pit at First Avenue and Tenth Street. For a while, dog-vs.-raccoon contests were popular, but rats were so readily available that they came to dominate the scene; boys were paid to catch them, at a rate of five to twelve cents a head.

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Nafissa Thompson-Spires
Heads of the Colored People

            Jilly took her head out of the oven mainly because it was hot and the gas did not work independently of the pilot light. Stupid new technology. And preferring her head whole and her new auburn sew-in weave unsinged, and having no chloroform in the house, she conceded that she would not go out like a poet. But she updated her status, just the same:


                    A final peace out

                    before I end it all.

              Treat your life like bread,

                  no edge too small

                          to butter.


            Jilly was not a poet or even an aspiring one. She just liked varying her posts as much as possible.


Copyright © by Nafissa Thompson-Spires. From Heads of the Colored People: Stories by Nafissa Thompson-Spires. Published by 37 Ink/Atria Books, an Imprint of Simon & Schuster, Inc. Printed by permission.

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Vu Tran
Las Vegas Noir

Six months ago, before all this, I drove into Las Vegas on a hot August twilight. My first time in the city. From the highway, I could see the Strip in the far distance, but also a lone dark cloud above it, flushed on a bed of light, glowing alien and purplish in the sky. My tired, pulpy brain at the time, I thought it was a UFO or something and nearly hit the truck ahead of me. Fifteen minutes later, at a gas station, I was told about the beam of light from atop that pyramid casino and how you can even see the beam from space, given no clouds were in the way. My disappointment surprised me.

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J. D. Daniels
The Correspondence

Gary was a big boy, ugly and pale, with a nose like a peeled potato. I’m not just saying that because my ex-wife slept with him once. We all slept around. She slept with Larry, too, but I don’t have anything bad to say about Larry. I myself almost slept with Larry, he was irresistible, a beautiful man. Gary and Larry—these names have been changed to protect the innocent, but not mine: I am guilty.

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Ciaran Berry
The Sphere of Birds

Things weather fast here, soon bird will be bone,

brittle and white, dead twig snapped underfoot

where the sky alters in seconds, shine to shower,

and harsher truths hit home hour after hour –

the sundew snagging flies, settling to eat,

a fat gull’s fractured keen that cuts through stone.

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Frances Ya-Chu Cowhig
Snow in Midsummer
A Play


My hands were packed in dry ice

Flown across the Pacific and

Stitched onto a man who lost his overseas.

My palms open doors to

Rooms my feet haven't walked through and

Caress a woman my eyes will never see.

It doesn't snow there but my

Nails ache when they touch ice and

Scratch strange characters onto that

Soldier's skin while he's sleeping.

His doctors call it post-traumatic stress but

He knows they're words from a

Language his tongue never learned




Across the East Sea a yam farmer

Uses my corneas to see.

She dreams of snow but thinks

It's ashes from a childhood fire bombing.

On the far side of the Atlantic my stomach digests

Food that never passed through my lips

Food my teeth didn't chew

Food my tongue hasn't tasted

Food that could have made this spirit stronger

And act sooner if someone offered it to Dou Yi.

But my heart--

My heart beats in this town,

Pumping blood through a man

Loved by the son of an official,

A son who moved Heaven and Earth for

His Happiness.

His Future.

His New Harmony.

These offerings have given me strength

I feel my spirit reviving!




Justice and burial for the widow Dou Yi




But how can you bury a woman whose butchered body's still living?



That is my heart. It should beat inside me.


(Dou Yi thrusts her hand into Rocket's chest and retrieves her heart.)

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